In this Blog, you will learn how to create a public Amazon S3 bucket within the AWS management console.
What will We learn :
Create Amazon S3 Bucket
Upload Object on S3 bucket
Access the Object URL on S3 Bucket
Enable S3 Bucket on Public Access
Verify the Object URL on Public Access
How to download Object
Delete an S3 bucket and its contents
Now we are going to discuss how to Create Bucket :
Log in to the AWS Management Console and type “S3” in the search box.
You will see an S3 dashboard, click create buckets.
The next step is to select the Region that is closest to you and enter the name of your bucket.
Click on the Create Bucket button, leave all the settings the way they are, and scroll down.
It is important to remember that a bucket’s name should always be unique and should not already exist publicly under a similar name; otherwise, your bucket will not be created.
We have created our first bucket, click on the name of the bucket to open it.
Here is a list of many of the features like Objects, Property, Permissions, Metrics, and others.
Now, let us upload our first object into our bucket in S3.
Open your browser and save a . Jpg image or file on your local computer.
Click on Upload.
Click on Add files.
Choose a file from your local computer.
Click on image file & try to accessing in browser.
See what happend.. you get access denied message
Now Open the bucket & Go to permissions & Make the public.
Now, Come to objects & make objects also Public.
So first enable ACLS. then make the objects public.
Try to access in browser.. You Will get the content or image What you upload..
You need that file you can download...
Now, we can delete the objects & bucket.
You Remember, first we delete the objects & then Delete Bucket.
Same way to delete bucket.
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In this blog You have learn basics operations in S3 like bucket creation, objects uploading, apply public access on buckets & objects , download the objects & delete the Bucket and Objects.