AWS S3 Tutorial

Overview of AWS S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service, widely known as Amazon S3. Amazon S3 is a web service that is used to store and retrieve unlimited data anywhere over the internet. It is similar to Google Drive and is probably the best storage option under AWS.

key features :

The benefits of using AWS instances

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The first benefit of using AWS with instances is auto scaling

Now, auto scaling, it allows us to automatically adjust the number of compute instances in an instant spool or their lifecycle state. This allows instances to provide consistent performance for the end users during times of high demand, while also lowering your cost during times of low demand. We already know how Netflix uses this feature to its advantage and provides a smooth crash free experience to its users all over the world. In auto scaling, we can scale up or we can scale down, ask for the website traffic dynamics.

The second feature of using AWS instances is based on pay as you go model

Now, this feature makes it very cheap to use AWS instances users need to pay only for the resources that they use. This makes this service cheap, and because of it, users get to save a lot of money and make the best use of the available resources. Easy to reap the benefits of Amazon's scale by charging a very low fee in comparison to the services

The third benefit of using easy instances is increased reliability

The Amazon EC2 cloud system is available all across the world, allowing our company to grow significantly. the global one stop service increases the load speed of our application. amazon easy true offers ninety nine point nine percent availability for each amazon EC2 region.

The services are highly reliable

Replacement of instances can be done easily and rapidly.

On-Premises Servers Vs virtual servers

On - Premises upgrade require new physical such as CPU, RAM, Storage devices. On-Premises requires increasing amount of physical space, to house more Servers as resource needs evolve. AWS cloud Services eliminates the headaches of On-premises data centers.

Virtualization is a software based layer that sits b/w the hardware infrastructure & application. AWS instances can extrapolate nearly infinite resources from the totally of physical hard ware within it's expansive network of data Centers.

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